Pick a card. Any card. Ooooh! That's the go potty card!
Doesn't sound like your average card trick, but it does work wonders. If you've spent any time around a toddler, you'll know they don't like to take direction. They want to be in control. This is only a problem when you want them to do what you want, in a timely manner. In other words, most of the time.
Getting my little one ready for ballet every week was becoming a struggle. I do my best to give her choices any time I can, because if she gets to choose the shirt, she doesn't mind putting it on. Trouble is sometimes there aren't choices to be made. So I came up with a card game.
Each card stands for an action (go potty, get dressed in dance clothes, put hair up, put shoes and coat on). The first time I did it, I actually worked out exactly which card belonged to each action. She chooses a card and I tell her what it stands for. Getting ready became fun and easy.
I've branched out and sometimes use it at bedtime. I've also discovered that I don't have to work out which card is which. She pulls one and I announce what I want it to be. I do mix things up and occasionally add something unexpected, like a piece of candy or a hug or an extra story. This keeps her interested in the game, because she never knows what might happen. I'm also careful not to use it all the time, so it doesn't get old. If she's in a great mood, I don't use it.
I've also been somewhere without cards and needed it. In that desperate situation, I put something in my hand (like a penny), put my hands behind my back and tell her if she picks the hand with the penny she brushes her teeth, and if she picks the one without, she puts on her pajamas.
This trick has saved my sanity more times than I can count. She feels like she's in control and loves it and I actually get what I want. It's a win-win situation!
What kind of tricks do you have up your sleeve?